NISC now partnering with Medpharm Publications
10 November 2014 •
Announcements & Notices
NISC, along with Cogent OA (a division of Taylor & Francis), has embarked on an exciting new partnership with a South African based open access publisher of medical journals, Medpharm Publications.
The collaboration comes as Medpharm...
Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health now indexed on Medline
10 November 2014 •
Announcements & Notices
As of October 2014, the Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health is officially indexed on Medline®. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Medline is considered to be one of the top medical bibliographic...
African Zoology now on ScholarOne Manuscripts
30 October 2014 •
Announcements & Notices
African Zoology has joined NISC from 2015 and is now accepting manuscripts submissions through ScholoarOne Manuscripts. ScholarOne Manuscripts, Thomson Reuters owned product, is the industry leading manuscript submission and review system. The system allows the full peer-review process of...
Free access to important research into childhood blindness
29 October 2014 •
Announcements & Notices
Childhood blindness as a result of cataracts is not considered common, and yet more than 1200 children in the South African province of KwaZulu Natal currently face this ordeal, even though it’s highly treatable. This figure...
African Zoology New Cover Competition
10 October 2014 •
Announcements & Notices
African Zoology is undergoing some changes in 2015 including a new submissions site, a new online home as well as an increase to four issues a year. As part of these changes, we will be...