Choose the next cover of African Zoology

3 February 2015 • Announcements & Notices
  VOTING HAS CLOSED The Wildebeest cover has been selected!!!   Help us choose the next cover of African Zoology. Like, share, retweet, favourite and/or comment on the cover you prefer and we will select the most popular...

NISC now partnering with Medpharm Publications

10 November 2014 • Announcements & Notices
NISC, along with Cogent OA (a division of Taylor & Francis), has embarked on an exciting new partnership with a South African based open access publisher of medical journals, Medpharm Publications. The collaboration comes as Medpharm...
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A very supportive, personal and committed editorial team, which takes quality of the work very seriously. I learned a lot through the experience of publishing with Anthropology Southern Africa, and felt supported throughout the process.
- Author - Anthropology Southern Africa
Thank you for the rare experience of a set of proofs on which I can find nothing to correct!
- SAJP author from Florida Atlantic University
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
The biggest development in the history of Quaestiones Mathematicae was the association with NISC and to have the journal running in a very stable way without severe financial concerns.
- Barry Green, QM Editor