NISC welcomes a New Editor-in-Chief

1 February 2018 • Announcements & Notices
“I am excited about the future of the journal and am committed to helping continue the ever-improving trajectory it has established over the past few years under the Editorship of Dr James Bennett,” said Dr...

Trends and themes in African Ornithology

22 January 2018 • Announcements & Notices
The most recent Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC) held in Dakar, Senegal in 2016, was a showcase of current ornithological research activity in Africa, with 137 talks in 17 symposia describing fieldwork in 36 states of...

Rediscovery of “extinct” frog in Zimbabwe

14 December 2017 • Announcements & Notices
The Arthroleptis troglodytes, known as the “cave squeaker” because of its preferred habitat, was discovered in 1962, and not observed again for 54 years, despite several attempts to locate it. Robert Hopkins, an associate researcher with...
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A very supportive, personal and committed editorial team, which takes quality of the work very seriously. I learned a lot through the experience of publishing with Anthropology Southern Africa, and felt supported throughout the process.
- Author - Anthropology Southern Africa
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
It has been an enriching experience working with such enthusiastic and professional people at NISC who have become more friends than business partners over the years.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
Excellent attention by editor-in-chief; very good work of reviewers; good time for review and processing.
- Author - African Journal of Range & Forage Science