Open Access at NISC

Publishing Open Access in NISC Journals

Fully Open Access Logo

NISC journals are divided into two categories.

  1. Journals which only publish articles Open Access. These journals are identified on our site by the Fully Open Access logo.
  2. Open Access Options LogoTraditional subscription journals, which offer authors various Open Access options. These journals are identified on our site by the Open Access Options logo.

Further details about these two types of publishing options are detailed below.


Fully Open Access Journals
NISC publishes several titles in which one can only publish articles under an Open Access licence. Some of these titles may charge publishing authors an Article Processing Charge (APC), while others are able to rely on institutional funding and/or other revenue to subside APCs and therefore do not need to charge authors. For clarification on charges please link to the relevant journal's Author Information page from the list below where any relevant charges will be fully detailed.

APC waiver and discount policy

In keeping with best publishing practice, NISC has a APC waiver policy to facilitate Open Access publication by authors without adequate funding support for publication. Typically, NISC will grant APC waivers and discounts for papers published in our Fully Open Access Journals whose corresponding authors are based in low and lower-middle income countries as defined by the World Bank. Requests from authors for APC waivers or discounts may also be considered in cases of financial need. The granting of an APC waiver or discount is not automatic and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All applications should be made to the publisher prior to or at the point of manuscript submission by emailing the details to Requests made during the review process or after acceptance will not be considered. The details of the APC waiver policy, including imposition of an annual quota of waivers, varies from journal to journal and authors should consult the relevant Author Information Page.


Open Access Options Journals

Self-Archiving/Green Open Access

NISC Self-Archiving PolicyAll authors publishing in a NISC subscription-based journal are able to upload certain versions of their article online to their personal website or institutional repository without even publishing their article Open Access. This is traditionally referred to as Green Open Access. For full details on the versions that may be uploaded as well as the relevant embargo period for each article please click on the link.

Hybrid/Gold Open Access

NISC Gold Open Access procedureAn article published in any NISC subscription-based journal can also be published completely Open Access by paying an Article Processing Fee. This is traditionally referred to as Gold Open Access. In a NISC journal the author may only elect to publish via this method once the article has passed peer review.  Please click on the link to see our full gold Open Access procedure and relevant pricing.

List of Open Access Options Journals


What is Open Access?

Open Access is a movement triggered by the advent of online publishing. Traditionally academic research was only available via the use of print materials and most of this was only available via procurement. The Open Access movement aims to make information more readily accessible by making it available to use free online. This free availability of research has also prompted a re-evaluation of the terms under which research is published, used and reused. Various publishing organisations, both traditional and new, have developed new Open Access models to meet the growing demand. The era of online publishing and the associated Open Access movement have brought about a period of unprecedented change and innovation in the academic publishing industry.


History of Open Access at NISC

Although a traditional subscription-based publisher, NISC was an early adopter of Open Access initiatives. In 2005 NISC hosted and supported the new African office of African Journals OnLine (AJOL), which had moved from Europe. AJOL is a not-for-profit platform that aims to increase access to African research through various innovative Open Access initiatives. AJOL grew exponentially during its collaboration with NISC and is now fully independent.

In 2007 NISC made Open Access publishing options available in all its journals, ahead of many larger subscription based publishers. Many NISC journals have been available through INASP and various Research4Life programs since 2009. In 2010 NISC started publishing its first fully Open Access title the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology.

Today NISC is a publisher of both hybrid and full Open Access titles. We are have various Open Access options available to suit the needs of our authors and publishing partners and have are committed to remaining flexible in the ever changing Open Access environment.

The editorial experience was excellent: the reviewers were timely and their feedback was generative. The co-editor of the special issue was proactive about communicating information to me. In latter stages, the staff that shepherded the essay through the copy-editing stages was also very helpful and in good contact.
- Author - Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies
The paper was wonderfully laid out and rapidly published
- Author- Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
The biggest development in the history of Quaestiones Mathematicae was the association with NISC and to have the journal running in a very stable way without severe financial concerns.
- Barry Green, QM Editor
Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)