Peter Ryan awarded SANCOR’s Gilchrist Medal

30 August 2017 • Announcements & Notices
NISC wishes to congratulate Prof Peter Ryan, a regular contributor to our journals, on his receipt of the SANCOR Gilchrist Medal.  Prof Ryan is one of the most prolific marine scientists in Southern Africa and as...

Special Issue on Vultures

18 August 2017 • Announcements & Notices
Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, Volume 88, Issue 2, 2017 is a Special Issue on Vultures, dedicated to the memory of the legendary ornithologist, André Boshoff (1945-2016).  This special issue was inspired by presentations at the...

Call for Papers: #RhodesMustFall

31 July 2017 • Announcements & Notices
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Volume 35, Issue 3, 2017 will be a special issue titled, “Advanced language politics in South Africa’s higher education post #RhodesMustFall.” Since 2015 South Africa has witnessed student driven...
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The editorial experience was excellent: the reviewers were timely and their feedback was generative. The co-editor of the special issue was proactive about communicating information to me. In latter stages, the staff that shepherded the essay through the copy-editing stages was also very helpful and in good contact.
- Author - Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
The NISC partnership has benefited the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology by bringing sustainability, additional branding and marketing, a wider reach through its websites, and the added value of expertise in the very competitive world of publishing.
- Chris Stones, IPJP Editor-in-Chief since 2003
Since 1995, NISC has systematically built up competence and the necessary capacity in all aspects of publishing high-level research journals, with the professionalism needed to flourish in the increasingly competitive world of international research publications. No other publisher in South Africa commands the necessary technical skills, experience, competence, enthusiasm and resources to the same degree as NISC, in my view.
- Graham Baker, Editor of the South African Journal of Science (1973-2008)
Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)