SALALS accepting manuscripts through ScholarOne

9 July 2014 • Announcements & Notices
NISC is delighted to announce that the Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies journal is now accepting manuscripts through ScholarOne! ScholarOne Manuscripts is an easy to use tool allowing authors to submit work quickly through a comprehensive...

Welcoming a New Journal

1 July 2014 • Announcements & Notices
Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies is a brand new, quarterly title to be published by the NISC/Taylor&Francis collaboration. Launched in 2014, this journal covers research pertaining to literature, culture and arts of the Eastern Africa...

World Oceans Day Celebrations

8 June 2014 • Announcements & Notices
The 8th of June is World Oceans Day. According to World Oceans Day organisers the oceans should be celebrated for many reasons. The oceans: Generates most of the oxygen we breathe Helps feed us Regulates our climate Cleans the water...

Ostrich Journal Cover Competition Winner

15 April 2014 • Announcements & Notices
Earlier this year NISC launched a competition encouraging birders to submit their bird photos for a newly designed cover of Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology. The winner was Ingo Waschkies who submitted a stunning image...

NISC's New Office and Branding Launch

31 March 2014 • Company news
NISC moved into its new offices at the end of 2013. The offices were celebrated and officially opened at a launch held on the 28th of March 2014, where business partners, family and friends of NISC...
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Excellent attention by editor-in-chief; very good work of reviewers; good time for review and processing.
- Author - African Journal of Range & Forage Science
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
The paper was wonderfully laid out and rapidly published
- Author- Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology
The editorial experience was excellent: the reviewers were timely and their feedback was generative. The co-editor of the special issue was proactive about communicating information to me. In latter stages, the staff that shepherded the essay through the copy-editing stages was also very helpful and in good contact.
- Author - Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies
Thank you for the rare experience of a set of proofs on which I can find nothing to correct!
- SAJP author from Florida Atlantic University