African Zoology now on ScholarOne Manuscripts

30 October 2014 • Announcements & Notices
African Zoology has joined NISC from 2015 and is now accepting manuscripts submissions through ScholoarOne Manuscripts. ScholarOne Manuscripts, Thomson Reuters owned product, is the industry leading manuscript submission and review system. The system allows the full peer-review process of...

African Zoology New Cover Competition

10 October 2014 • Announcements & Notices
  African Zoology is undergoing some changes in 2015 including a new submissions site, a new online home as well as an increase to four issues a year. As part of these changes, we will be...

African Zoology joins NISC from 2015

30 September 2014 • New publications
NISC is delighted to announce that we will be publishing African Zoology from 2015. This well-established title joins our list, which already includes of some of Africa’s leading natural science journals. The journal will also see...

Anthropology Southern Africa - new to NISC

23 September 2014 • New publications
We are pleased to welcome Anthropology Southern Africa to the NISC stable of journals. The aims of this quarterly are to promote anthropology in southern Africa, to support ethnographic and theoretical research, and to provide voices to...
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The editorial experience was excellent: the reviewers were timely and their feedback was generative. The co-editor of the special issue was proactive about communicating information to me. In latter stages, the staff that shepherded the essay through the copy-editing stages was also very helpful and in good contact.
- Author - Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies
The review process is quick and is being done within the reasonable time. After acceptance, NISC is also quick enough to send proofs and is very efficiently publishes the accepted paper online before its print version.

- Author - Southern Forests: A Journal of Forest Science
Since 1995, NISC has systematically built up competence and the necessary capacity in all aspects of publishing high-level research journals, with the professionalism needed to flourish in the increasingly competitive world of international research publications. No other publisher in South Africa commands the necessary technical skills, experience, competence, enthusiasm and resources to the same degree as NISC, in my view.
- Graham Baker, Editor of the South African Journal of Science (1973-2008)
It has been an enriching experience working with such enthusiastic and professional people at NISC who have become more friends than business partners over the years.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
The proofs look great! Thank you so much. The efficiency of the journal now is really excellent. Easy to work with, and so thorough. I appreciate it.
- Regular SAJP Author on his first interaction with NISC