Special Issue - African Journal of Aquatic Science
24 April 2020 •
Announcements & Notices
In 2018 the African Journal of Aquatic Science announced an upcoming new series of Medal Special Issues which were to be co-edited by Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientist Medal Winners.
The first Medal Special issue...
Call for Abstracts: African Freshwater Ecosystems in the Anthropocene
22 April 2020 •
Announcements & Notices
The African Journal of Aquatic Science is pleased to announce plans for a Special Medal Issue titled, 'Perspectives on protecting African Freshwater Ecosystems in the Anthropocene'.
The special issue, scheduled to be published in February 2022...
Milestones for South African Journal of African Languages
8 April 2020 •
Announcements & Notices
The South African Journal of African Languages is a peer-reviewed research journal devoted to the advancement of African (Bantu) and Khoe-San languages and literatures with Volume 40, Issue 1 seeing the journal reaching an important...
COVID-19: lessons from the HIV and AIDS epidemic
2 April 2020 •
Announcements & Notices
Globally countries are going into lockdown due to the spread of COVID-19. It is not only illness and death that confront us in the midst of this pandemic but also social, economic and psychological effects...
Special Issue: Drought in South African savannas
25 March 2020 •
Announcements & Notices
South Africa experienced a major drought in its summer rainfall areas peaking in 2015 and 2016. Such droughts are forecast to increase in frequency and intensity, as a result of global warming. Understanding drought is...