Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape: South Africa | National Inquiry Services Centre

Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape

Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape: South Africa

South Africa

By Edited by Colin A Lewis
Size: 175 x 230 mm
Pages: 188 pp
ISBN 13: 978-1-920033-06-4
Published: May 2008
Publishers: NISC (Pty) Ltd
Recommended Retail Price: R 175.00
Cover: Paperback

About the book

Second Edition
Revised, redesigned and printed full color throughout!

This title includes new work done since the 1st edition in 1996 and incorporates over 40 new figures and photographs.

Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape, written by nine leading researchers, collates the past 100 years of scientific work into geomorphological processes and features in this part of South Africa.

Invaluable to anyone interested in the development of landscapes and landforms in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.

About the Authors

Contributors to Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape: South Africa

Colin Lewis has held the Chair of Geography at the University of Transkei, the Chair of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Zululand, and recently retired from the Chair of Geography at Rhodes University.

Rodney Maud is the retired Honorary Professor of the School of Geological Sciences in the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Johan Hattingh completed his PhD at the then University of Port Elizabeth and has worked as the Principal Geologist at the Council for Geosciences in Port Elizabeth, where he was consultant to various alluvial gold and diamond mining companies in southern and central Africa.

Kate Rowntree is a Professor in the Department of Geography at Rhodes University.

Evan Dollar is a PhD graduate of Rhodes University and is the Lead Hydrologist and Discipline Lead of the Integrated Catchment Management and Water Resources Group at MWH Global, in the UK.

Peter Illgner graduated from the then University of Port Elizabeth in Botany, Geography and Geology before completing MSc and PhD research at Rhodes University and now works as a private consultant.

Werner Illenberger completed his PhD in the Department of Geology at the University of Port Elizabeth in 1992 and now works as a private consultant.

Jenny Burkinshaw completed her PhD in the Department of Geology at the University of Port Elizabeth in 1998 and now works in scientific publishing.

Margaret Marker read for her PhD at the University of the Witwatersrand and then held the Chair of Geography at the University of Fort Hare, where she remained until 1991.


Chapter 1: The Macro-Geomorphology of the Eastern Cape
Chapter 2: Fluvial Systems and Landscape Evolution
Chapter 3: Contemporary Channel Processes
Chapter 4: Coastal Processes and Associated Landforms
Chapter 5: Coastal Dunes and Dunefi elds
Chapter 6: The Karstic Landscape
Chapter 7: Glaciations and Glacial Features
Chapter 8: Periglacial Features

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