Grahamstown Cathedral: A Guide and Short History | National Inquiry Services Centre

Grahamstown Cathedral

Grahamstown Cathedral: A Guide and Short History

A Guide and Short History

By Charles Gould edited by Jeanette Eve
Size: 210 x 135 mm
ISBN 13: 978-0-86810-473-3
Published: November 2010
Publishers: Cory Library, Rhodes University as part of their Eastern Cape REPRINTS series.
Recommended Retail Price: R 100.00
Cover: Paperback

About the book

The Anglican Cathedral of St Michael and St George stands in solid grandeur at the heart of the city of Grahamstown, its soaring spire a dominating symbol of religious aspiration.

Only by entering through its impressive doors can an appreciation of the building's full architectural and decorative beauty; its reflection of the region's turbulent history; and, primarily, its significance as a place of worship, be grasped. And many find it an oasis of calm in a busy world.

'When was it built?' visitors often ask. Over a period of about 190 years, in an odd sequence of building operations.

The south wall is a relic of the old St George's church, begun in 1824 and opened as a place of worship in 1830.

In 1853 St George's, by virtue of the appointment of a bishop, became a cathedral. This made it the mother church of a vast diocese, a diocese in which the church has grown so much that it has twice had to be divided.

Plans began to be formulated for a more worthy edifice than the church, described, in 1848, by Bishop Robert Gray as 'well situated but miserable in point of architecture'. The eminent British architect, Sir Gilbert Scott, agreed to design it in the popular neo-Gothic style.

The first feature to be erected was the tower and spire, completed in 1878. Next, in 1893, at the opposite end of the existing building, came the chancel. A hundred years ago, in 1912, the two structures were united by the nave which accommodates the congregation. This necessitated the demolition of all but the south wall of the old church. Sir George's design, adapted by his son, John Oldrid , was completed in 1953 with the building of the Lady Chapel.

A church is more than a static building: it is an active community of faith. A succession of gifted diocesan bishops, cathedral deans and other clergy, and of dedicated parishioners have passed on Christian teaching and traditions, lived out its precepts of worship and of service to its members and to the wider community, and witnessed, sometimes quite vigorously, to the world in which this cathedral church is placed.

And placed, it has been in a world of conflict: violent clashes over land occupation during the nineteenth century; the South African War of 1899-1902; two world wars, and the long struggle against Apartheid. Some of the memorials on its walls reflect the effects of these conflicts on the church community. The emphasis now is on reconciliation.

There have been internal conflicts, too. During a period of complicated legal and ecclesiastical disputes, a contentious dean forbade the bishop to preach in his own cathedral! For a time there were two churches; St George's and St Michael's. Peace came in 1885 and also a new name: the Cathedral of St Michael and St George.

There have been many changes since those days, disturbing in some instances, but never again has there been so serious a rift.


About the Authors

Charles James Bain Gould was educated at Cambridge University and Cuddesdon College, Oxford. He was ordained in 1910 and arrived in South Africa the following year. Gould served with distinction in both the Grahamstown and Bloemfontein dioceses of the Anglican Church, and was made canon of each of these cathedrals. In 1918 he served as a chaplain to South African forces in East Africa. A scholarly man, known for his effiiency and meticulous attention to detail, he was an expert on liturgical matters and made signifi cant contributions to the South African Prayer Book. A good preacher and a compassionate parish priest, Gould was much loved wherever he ministered. He died in Kroonstad in 1951, leaving a widow and two daughters.


  • Introduction to the 2011 Reprint
  • Grahamstown Cathedral: A Guide and Short History
    • Introduction by Chancellor Cyrill J. Wyche
    • Guide to Grahamstown Cathedral
    • A Short History of Grahamstown Cathedral
  • New features of Grahamstown Cathedral
    • A guide to post-1924 developments

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