African Journal of AIDS Research Open Access Special Issue

Posted 21 November 2017 by NISC under Announcements & Notices • Journal: African Journal of AIDS Research
African Journal of AIDS Research Open Access Special Issue

African Journal of AIDS Research , Volume 16, Issue 4, 2017, is a Special Issue titled, “What the world can learn from Swaziland”. 

The Special Issue originates from the July 2016 Swaziland National HIV and AIDS conference, which had the strap line “From AIDS crisis to opportunity: What the world can learn from Swaziland”. The conference served as a pre-conference for the International AIDS Society conference which took place in Durban, South Africa, in 2016. 

With a focus on Swaziland, the country with the worst epidemic in the world, the articles indicate how far the country has come in responding to the epidemic. The issue has offered an opportunity to highlight the extensive work, both academic and practical, done in the country and to highlight Swazi authors who would not have otherwise had a chance to publish their work. 

The Special Issue presents the outstanding articles selected from the wide range of papers presented during the conference. All have gone through the standard and rigorous peer review process of the journal.

This issue found its genesis in the Evidence for HIV Prevention in Southern Africa (EHPSA) fellowship. EHPSA has supported the process which included a comprehensive mentorship programme with Tim Quinlan and Rebecca Fielding-Miller. This was to provide additional support to the authors over and above that provided through a Gates Foundation Grant to African Journal of AIDS Research and Wilfried Laurier University.  

Aligned to its own Evidence in Action approach, EHPSA has made it possible for this Special Issue to be published Open Access. 
Read the Special Issue here


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