New Editor-in Chief for African Journal of Range and Forage Science
15 September 2022 by
Announcements & Notices • Journal: African Journal of Range & Forage Science
Born, raised and educated in eastern and southern Africa and displaying a keen interest in African grasslands and savannas, Dr. Urs Kreuter has been appointed as incoming Editor-in-Chief of the African Journal of Range and Forage Science (AJRFS).
From its inception as the Proceedings of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, in which Dr. Kreuter published his first scientific manuscript, the AJRFS has tended to publish manuscripts that focus on the biophysical dimensions of rangeland and pasture science. However, the AJRFS also encourages submission of manuscripts that highlight transdisciplinary linkages among biophysical and social sciences that support management, policy, and societal values.
“As Editor-in-Chief, I will encourage the publication of more diverse manuscripts to encompass a broader range and integration of the ecological, economic, and social dimensions of rangeland and pasture science,” said Dr. Kreuter.
Dr. Kreuter’s doctoral research examined the comparative economics of cattle and wildlife production systems in the midlands of Zimbabwe. Dr. Kreuter joined Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor in 1998, was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2004, and to Professor in 2010.
Dr. Kreuter’s research program explores the human dimensions of natural resource management and aims to inform policy that fosters positive incentives for people to restore the resilience of terrestrial ecosystems under diverse land tenure systems. He teaches three courses: (1) An undergraduate capstone course in Ecosystem Management; (2) A Study Abroad Course in South Africa that focuses on biodiversity conservation and eco-tourism; and (3) A graduate course in Ecological Economics.
NISC is proud to welcome Dr. Kreuter as Editor-in-Chief and looks forward to working with him on continuing the publication of high-quality material. We also bid farewell to Dr. Pieter Swanepoel who, during his tenure as Editor-in-Chief assisted the journal immensely.
Dr. Kreuter, on his introductions writes:
‘I will also adopt the following guidelines to elevate the international stature of the AJRFS and its value to the GSSA:
- 1. While maintaining focus on the biophysically aspects of rangeland ecology and pasture management, expand the AJFRS's scope by soliciting more manuscripts that use social-ecological systems approaches to advance the scientific understanding of rangeland and pasture dynamics and resilience in the face of climate change.
- 2. Capitalize on the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (2026) to promote the AJRFS as a high impact platform for manuscripts that contribute to the enhancement of rangeland ecology and pasture management throughout Africa.
- 3. Actively promote the AJRFS at international conferences, including the International Grassland and Rangeland Congresses, Ecological Society of America, Society for Range Management (USA), and Australian Rangeland Society, among others.”