Database Publishing

History of NISC Database Publishing

NISC started as a bibliographic database company in 1995 and it is still a core part of our business. The digitisation process started in 1985 and resulted in the development of a bibliographic database, named FISHLIT. In 1995, the FISHLIT database was licensed by National Inquiry Services Corporation Inc. of Maryland, USA (NISC USA) and a sister company, NISC, was launched in South Africa. From here, NISC South Africa expanded, acquiring the WATERLit database and developing a further five databases covering a variety of subjects. NISC databases have been closely associated with our partner companies, NISC USA, which handled distribution in the USA (subsequently bought by EBSCO Information Services), and NISC Export Service Pvt. Ltd. in Hyderabad, India, which plays a role in the electronic compilation process.

Features of NISC Databases

  • NISC databases are bibliographic in nature, this means that they contain the basic article metadata as well as custom indexing which allows researchers to efficiently search for and obtain information relevant to their specific field of study.
  • Our databases are under constant development to ensure coverage of new literature and emerging research trends and updated quarterly.
  • NISC databases offer coverage of unique grey literature sources making them a valuable tool when searching for information not covered by conventional literature.
  • NISC uses specialist software to index and compile its databases. This allows for the harvesting and compiling metadata from a variety of digital sources, removal of duplicate records and enables indexers to engage with the materials in order to create an enriched final composite record.
  • Each article is carefully indexed by a team of subject specialists who are able to associate appropriate search terms to each record. A second review and verification process by a supervising subject specialist helps ensure that NISC database records are of highest quality.


All our databases are hosted on EBSCOhost, a leading search platform offering superior search functionality.

Compiling Databases

NISC licenses quality database content from a range of third party suppliers. NISC is constantly in search of new and exciting databases to include in existing products or to use in the development of new database products. If you have a unique bibliographic database that you would like to publish with NISC or include in a current NISC database contact us.

Current Databases

NISC currently produces three extensive bibliographic databases which offer comprehensive coverage of the available literature within the coverage area:

Publish Your Database with NISC

Include your Journal in a NISC database

It has been an enriching experience working with such enthusiastic and professional people at NISC who have become more friends than business partners over the years.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
Thank you for the rare experience of a set of proofs on which I can find nothing to correct!
- SAJP author from Florida Atlantic University
The proofs look great! Thank you so much. The efficiency of the journal now is really excellent. Easy to work with, and so thorough. I appreciate it.
- Regular SAJP Author on his first interaction with NISC
Since 1995, NISC has systematically built up competence and the necessary capacity in all aspects of publishing high-level research journals, with the professionalism needed to flourish in the increasingly competitive world of international research publications. No other publisher in South Africa commands the necessary technical skills, experience, competence, enthusiasm and resources to the same degree as NISC, in my view.
- Graham Baker, Editor of the South African Journal of Science (1973-2008)
Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)