The credence of statistical generalisations <em>should not</em> categorically license outright rational belief

Research Article

The credence of statistical generalisations should not categorically license outright rational belief

Published in: South African Journal of Philosophy
Volume 43 , issue 3 , 2024 , pages: 283–288
DOI: 10.1080/02580136.2024.2373611
Author(s): Wandile Ganya University of Cape Town, South Africa


In this paper, I am expressly concerned with issues emanating from the taking of p to be the case in evidence-based medicine. I interrogate the tenability of statistical generalisations with regard to reference classes and, in particular, demographic groups. Upon the grounds of my estimations, I contrarily make a moral argument that the credence of statistical generalisations should not categorically license outright rational belief in evidence-based medicine as supported by the opacity of bare statistical generalisations, the problem of reference classes and inappropriate credence projection, even when such generalisations may appear epistemologically sound.

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