Subgroups of products of Nagata semitopological groups and related results

Research Article

Subgroups of products of Nagata semitopological groups and related results

Published in: Quaestiones Mathematicae
Volume 47 , issue 10 , 2024 , pages: 1957–1977
DOI: 10.2989/16073606.2024.2347431
Author(s): Liang-Xue Peng Beijing University of Technology, China


In this article, we introduce notions which are called property (c*) and property (M 3*) for semitopological groups. We show that if G is a regular semitopological group with a q-point, property (c*) and Sm(G) ≤ ω, then G is topologically isomorphic to a subgroup of the product of a family of first-countable M 1-semitopological groups (Nagata semitopological groups). In the third part of this article, we give an internal characterization of subgroups of product of firstcountable M 1-semitopological groups. A semitopological (paratopological) group G is topologically isomorphic to a subgroup of the product of a family of first-countable M 1-semitopological (paratopological) groups if and only if G satisfies the T 0 separation axiom and has property (M 3*).

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