The potential predators of pancake tortoises (<em>Malacochersus tornieri</em>) in Kenya

Research Article

The potential predators of pancake tortoises (Malacochersus tornieri) in Kenya

Published in: African Zoology
Volume 59 , issue 2 , 2024 , pages: 66–76
DOI: 10.1080/15627020.2024.2351976
Author(s): Jacob Mueti Ngwava Hainan Normal University, China , Fanrong Xiao Hainan Normal University, China , Patrick Kinyatta Malonza , Kenya , Beryl Akoth Bwong , Kenya , Hai-Tao Shi Hainan Normal University, China


Studying the interactions between prey and predators is crucial for understanding the intricacies of predator-prey dynamics and for formulating effective conservation strategies. Yet there is almost no systematic analysis of pancake tortoise predation, and its consequences on the tortoise populations. Using camera trapping and visual encounter surveys, we recorded the animals visiting the crevices inhabited by pancake tortoises, as well as their surroundings. From our data, we propose which visitors were potential predators, and consider predator impacts on the species. We suggest ten species (21.3%) as potential predators, among the 47 visiting the tortoise crevices between July 2020 and November 2022. We encountered six adult pancake tortoises killed and eaten by unknown predators. Four of six eggs laid by pancake tortoises in May−June 2022 were also depredated. The white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) and the honey badger (Mellivora capensis) were recorded probing rock crevices inhabited by pancake tortoises, with their behaviour suggesting potential predation upon tortoises. We recorded the rock monitor lizard (Varanus albigularis) and common dwarf mongoose (Helogale parvula) digging pancake tortoise nest sites. This study significantly advances our understanding of the predation risk to the critically endangered pancake tortoise.

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