Living by Voices we shall Never Hear: Seeing Animals Differently | National Inquiry Services Centre

Living by Voices we shall Never Hear

Living by Voices we shall Never Hear: Seeing Animals Differently

Seeing Animals Differently

By Edited by Pauline & Les Mitchell
Pages: 145
ISBN 13: ISBN: 978-1-920033-12-5
Published: November 2010
Cover: Paperback

About the book

Increasingly we live in a world cut off from nature, with animals understood as simply resources for food, research, power and entertainment. But there are other voices which speak of seeing animals differently and a few of these voices are recorded in Living by voices we shall never hear.

Most of the authors of this collection of writings are Quakers or have some connection with The Religious Society of Friends and responded to an invitation to share their vision of animals and our relationship with them. The result is an incredible mix of work with contributions from South Africa, Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Here are personal stories, spiritual reflections, poems, politics, ideology and linguistics, all offering special insights.

Living by voices we shall never hear is a book for dipping into and being surprised by new perspectives and connections. It is hoped that the writings will encourage the reader to explore their own vision of those who share our world and how we should act towards these ‘other nations’.


An introduction to the book..............................................v
         Pauline and Les Mitchell
Part One: Animal companionship
1:What cows taught me....................................................3
         John Myhill
2:The Gypsy dog.............................................................11
        Mike Purton
3:Cat and Chicken..........................................................31
         Mario Viljoen
Part Two: Animal-inspired poetry
4:A collection  of poem..................................................49
         Ling Johnstone
          Chris Mann & Julia Skeen
Part Three: Quaker perspectives on animals
6:Answering ‘That of God in Everyone’?.........................61
         Susannah Brindle
7:Guidance in co-existence with other than human animals...81
          Wilma Davidson
8:Taking the adventure...................................................85
           Gracia Fay Bouwman Ellwood
9:A Friendly perspective on our fellow beings..................93
           Marian Hussenbux
10:Some thoughts on living as a vegetarian..........................101
            Peter D Jones
11: Hold all creatures dear...............................................107
            Sandra Kyle
12:Animal testimony.......................................................113
          AH Mann
13:Reporting The War.....................................................115
           Les Mitchell
14:A sentient being in the Light......................................131

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