African Journal of Range & Forage Science | National Inquiry Services Centre

African Journal of Range & Forage Science

ISSN: 1022-0119 (Print)
            1727-9380 (Online)
Publication frequency: 4 issues per year

1.4 (2023) Impact Factor
1.8 (2023) 5-year IF

4.0 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)

Accredited with the DHET (SAPSE)

Official publication of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa

Co-published with Taylor & Francis



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Aims & Scope

The African Journal of Range & Forage Science is the leading rangeland and pastoral journal in Africa. The Journal is dedicated to publishing quality original material that advances rangeland ecology and pasture management. The journal aims to publish research of international importance from any region, but as an African journal, we are particularly interested in research from Africa and relevant to the continent. The Journal promotes both science and its application and authors are encouraged to explicitly identify the practical implications of their work. Peer-reviewed research papers and research notes deal primarily with all aspects of rangeland and pasture ecology and management, including the ecophysiology and biogeochemistry of rangelands and pastures, terrestrial plant–herbivore interactions (both domestic and wild), rangeland assessment and monitoring, effects of climate change on rangelands, rangeland and pasture management, rangeland rehabilitation, ecosystem services in support of production, conservation and biodiversity goals, and the identification and development of intensive and semi-intensive pasture and forage resources to meet livestock production needs. Articles highlighting transdisciplinary linkages among biophysical and social sciences that support management, policy and societal values are particularly encouraged.  The Journal includes relevant book reviews and invited perspectives that contribute to the development of range and forage science. Letters to the editor that debate issues raised in the Journal are acceptable. The African Journal of Range & Forage Science is the official journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.




Dr. Urs Kreuter

 Department of Ecology & Conservation Biology at Texas A&M University, United States of America


Freyni du Toit
Grassland Society of Southern Africa, South Africa

Associate Editors

Dr Andrew Ainslie, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Prof Serkan Ates, Oregon State University, United States of America
Dr Sarita Bennett, Curtin University, Australia
Dr Casper Crous, Independent, South Africa 
Dr Abubeker Hassen, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dr Glynis Humphrey, University of Cape Town, South Africa 
Dr Saheed Jimoh, University of Wyoming, USA
Dr Chris S Jones, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia
Dr Mounir Louhaichi, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Jordan
Dr Chloe MacLaren, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden
Dr Siriwan Martens, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Germany
Mr Craig D Morris, Agricultural Research Institute, South Africa
Dr Francuois Muller, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Prof Jesse Nippert, Kansas State University, United States of America
Dr Patrick J O’Farrell, CSIR, Natural Resources and the Environment, South Africa
Dr Tiffany Pillay, Rhodes University, South AfricaDr M Igshaan Samuels, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Dr M Igshaan Samuels, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa
Dr Rheinhardt Scholtz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dr Lobke Steyn, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 
Dr Pieter Swanepoel, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Dr Michelle J Tedder, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Prof Solomon Tefera, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
Dr Liz (E) A Trenchard, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Prof Wayne C Twine, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Dr Corli Wigley-Coetsee, South Africa National Parks, South Africa
Mr Zander Venter, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Norway

Book Reviews Editor

Craig Morris, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

Administrative Office

African Journal of Range & Forage Science


Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts presented in accordance with instructions to authors (printed in the back of each issue) should be submitted online at the African Journal of Range & Forage Science ScholarOne Manuscripts site (

Editorial Advisory Panel

Prof Sally Archibald, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Dr James E Bennett, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Mr C Richard Hurt, Kiwiflora Nurseries, New Zealand
Prof Graham I H Kerley, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Prof Klaus Kellner, North-West University, South Africa
Prof Kevin P Kirkman, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Prof Nkobi M Moleele, RESILIM - Resilience in the Limpopo River Basin, Botswana
Mr Craig D Morris, Agricultural Research Institute, South Africa
Prof Anthony R Palmer, Rhodes University, South Africa
Prof Elly N Sabiiti, Makerere University, Uganda
Prof Peter F Scogings, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dr Susanne Vetter, Rhodes University, South Africa

Publishing Manager

Contact regarding all aspects relating to the production of the journal, including scheduling and copyright issues:

Dr Kelly-Anne Frith
NISC (Pty) Ltd
4 Speke Street
PO Box 377
Makhanda 6140
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)46 622 9698
Fax: +27 (0)46 622 9550

Published in association with the Grassland Society of Southern Africa:

Membership to the Society is open to all interested persons. Membership rates and information on the Society can be obtained from the Administrator, Erica Joubert — Tel: +27 (0)63 361 2647, e-mail:

Further information on the Grassland Society of Southern Africa can be found at

Latest Issue

Volume 41, Issue 4, 2024

Research Article

Ensiling as a technique for preservation of the nutritional quality of Vachellia nilotica
Author(s): Fortune L Manganyi University of South Africa, , Julius Tjelele Agricultural Research Council–Animal Production: Range and Forage Sciences, South Africa , Khanyisile R Mbatha University of South Africa, , Ngoako Letsoalo Agricultural Research Council–Animal Production: Range and Forage Sciences, South Africa , Stephen Modiba , South Africa , Thamsanqa Mpanza Agricultural Research Council–Animal Production: Nutrition, South Africa , Francuois Müller Agricultural Research Council–Animal Production: Range and Forage Sciences, South Africa
Pages: 227–234
Calibration and evaluation of a CROPGRO Perennial Forage Model for Brachiaria humidicola yield simulation under future climate in subhumid environments of Ethiopia
Author(s): Fantahun Dereje Wallaga University, Ethiopia , Ashenafi Mengistu Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia , Diriba Geleti Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia , Fekede Feyissa Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia , Diriba Diba Wallaga University, Ethiopia , Diego Pequeno , Mexico , Buzunesh Tesfaye Wallaga University, Ethiopia
Pages: 235–243
Estimation of standing crop biomass in rangelands of the Middle Atlas mountains using remote sensing data
Author(s): S Boukrouh University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), Morocco , Y Bouazzaoui Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco , A El Aich Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco , H Mahyou Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Morocco , M Chikhaoui Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco , M Ait Lafkih Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco , O N’Dorma Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco , CL Alados Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC), Spain
Pages: 244–259
Seasonal dynamics of forage nutrition in smallholder goat production systems in Malawi
Author(s): Andrew S Cooke University of Lincoln, UK , Winchester Mvula Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi , Patson Nalivata Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi , Javier Ventura-Cordero Queen’s University Belfast, UK , Lovemore C Gwiriri Coventry University, , Taro Takahashi Rothamsted Research, UK , Eric R Morgan Queen’s University Belfast, UK , Michael RF Lee Harper Adams University, UK , Andrews Safalaoh Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi
Pages: 260–269
Grazing effects on forage quality parameters of three rangeland species in arid regions of Semnan, Iran
Author(s): Milad Kamiziani University of Kurdistan, Iran , Shima Nikoo Semnan University, Iran , Hamed Joneidi Jafari University of Kurdistan, Iran , Fateme Naghizade Asl Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
Pages: 270–276
Threshold changes in the production potential of bush clumps along piosphere gradients in arid thicket mosaics
Author(s): Anton Schmidt Nelson Mandela University, South Africa , Graham Kerley Nelson Mandela University, South Africa , Munyaradzi Manjoro Sol Plaatje University, South Africa
Pages: 277–284


Instructions for Authors

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Author FAQ


Instructions for Authors

The Journal publishes peer-reviewed Research Papers, Research Notes, Reviews and Commentaries dealing with topics related to range and forage science that contribute to the discipline in an African context. Papers may report the results of a specific investigation, may be speculative in nature, or may review the literature and trends in a particular field. Invited Book Reviews and Letters to the Editor are also published. Further information on the Types of Manuscripts published is available for download below. Page charges of ZAR225 (for African contributors, excl. VAT for South Africa) or USD19 (for other contributors) per page are levied. Page charges are waived for corresponding authors who are Grassland Society of Southern Africa members (with a journal subscription) and for Book Reviews and Letters to the Editor.

Editorial policy: Contributions must conform to the principles outlined in Ethical Considerations in Research Publication available for download below. Submission of a manuscript implies that the material has not previously been published, nor is it being submitted elsewhere for publication. Submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply transfer of copyright of the material to the publishers, NISC. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have the authority for publication. Material accepted for publication in this Journal may not be reprinted or published in translation without the express permission of the publishers, NISC. The final decision to accept a manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

Presentation: Before submitting a manuscript authors should peruse a recent issue of the Journal for format and style. Manuscripts must be written in clear English (UK style). Typescripts not prepared in accordance with our instructions will be returned to authors for revision before they are sent to referees. Manuscripts and figures must be submitted in electronic form.

Manuscripts: Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word (font Arial or Times New Roman, 12 pt) in A4 format with 1.5 line spacing without columns. Number all pages sequentially, including the title page and those containing the references, figure captions and tables. All submissions should be made online at the African Journal of Range & Forage Science ScholarOne Manuscripts site. New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site submissions should be made via the Author Centre. The journal operates a double-anonymized review process. All information identifying the authord must be removed from the manuscript tet file and included in a separate Title Page file (for content see manuscript format below), which is not accessible by reviewers. 

Statistical analyses: Pseudoreplication should be recognised and treated accordingly. Test results must be reported in full, not p-values alone. Measures of variation and probability should be reported to one decimal place more than the respective means and test statistics.

Manuscript format: The manuscript should be arranged using the following order:
Title page — (a) Title: This title must be brief, sufficiently informative for retrieval by automatic searching techniques, and should contain important keywords. Names of taxa are to be used without author citations. (b) Author(s): Corresponding author must be indicated. (c) Affiliations: The authors' respective affiliation where the work was done. Thecurrent address for an author (if different) can be indicated. An e-mail address for the corresponding author must be provided. (d) Acknowledgements: acknowledge funders and anyone who provided intellectual or technical assistance, or specialist equipment or materials. 

Abstract page — (a) Abstract: This must be a concise statement of the scope of the work and the principal findings. It must not exceed 200 words. It should summarise the information presented in the paper but should not include references. (b) Key words: Up to five additional index words or phrases, not included in the title, must be listed alphabetically.
Main text — The Introduction should outline the problem in general and clearly state the study objectives. References to previous work are only desirable if they have direct bearing on the subject of the paper. A detailed review of the literature is usually inappropriate. Typically, the intermediate sections will be Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Commentaries and Reviews may have different headings, while Research Notes, Letters and Book Reviews should have no headings.
References — References to literature within an article must be arranged chronologically. References to works by more than two authors should be abbreviated with et al. The list of references at the end of the article must be arranged alphabetically and titles must appear exactly as in the originals. Refer to Reference Exemplars for Authors available for download below:

Bell RHV. 1982. The effect of soil nutrient availability on community structure in African ecosystems. In: Huntley BJ, Walker BH (eds), Ecology of tropical savannas. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp 193–216.

Hoffman MT, Cowling RM. 1990. Desertification in the lower Sundays River Valley, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 19: 105–117.

Leng RA. 1986. Drought feeding strategies: theory and practice. Armidale: Penambul Books.

Tables — Each table must be accompanied by an appropriate standalone caption. Data may not be presented in both tabular and graphical form. Tables must be formatted to fit the page vertically with a printed width of either 80 mm or 175 mm. Tables may include up to five horizontal lines but no vertical lines.
Figures — Ensure figures conform to the journal style. Pay particular attention to line thickness, font and figure proportions, taking into account the journal’s printed page size. Costs of redrawing figures may be charged. Please refer to Figure Guidelines for Authors: format, style and technical considerations available for download below. For digital photographs or scanned images the resolution should be at least 300 dpi for colour or greyscale artwork and a minimum of 600 dpi for black line drawings. These can be saved (in order of preference) in PSD, JPEG, PDF or EPS format. Graphs, charts or maps can be saved in AI, PDF or EPS format. MS Office files (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) are also acceptable but DO NOT EMBED Excel graphs or Powerpoint slides in a MS Word document, rather send the original Excel or Powerpoint files. More detailed technical information is given in Figure Guidelines for Authors. Illustrations can be reproduced in colour, but only when essential, and subject to approval by the Editor-in-Chief. Non-essential use of colour will be charged at ZAR900 (excl. VAT) per page for African contributors and USD75 per page for contributors from elsewhere.

Referees: Before submitting a manuscript authors are advised to have their work reviewed by colleagues in the same field of research. This should be reflected in the Acknowledgements. After submission all manuscripts are critically reviewed by at least two referees on whose advice the Editor-in-Chief accepts or rejects contributions, or returns the manuscript to authors for revision.

Electronic reprints: Authors will be notified by e-mail when their article is available for download from the journal website.

Open access: The Journal is a hybrid journal which allows authors the option of publishing their article Open Access for a set fee. Further details are given on the Open Access at NISC page. 



Types of Manuscripts

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Figure Guidelines for Authors

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Figure FAQs

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