Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology | National Inquiry Services Centre

Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology

ISSN: 2079-7222 (Print)
            1445-7377 (Online)
Publication frequency: Continuously published single volume

Accredited with the DHET (SAPSE)

Co-published with RoutledgeThis is a fully Open Access journal that only publishes articles Open Access.

Aims & Scope

The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology (IPJP) is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal that provides a forum for the publication of research from the Continental Philosophy tradition and which showcases the perspectives of Southern Hemisphere scholars of phenomenology. Whilst phenomenology remains a central concern of this journal, we also welcome contributions from related areas of the Continental Philosophy tradition, such as existentialism, hermeneutics, feminism, structuralism, post-structuralism, critical theory, deconstruction and psychoanalytic theory. 

The IPJP is interested in papers offering comparative analyses of philosophy in the Continental tradition with the philosophical traditions of other cultures, the appropriation of Continental thought by other global philosophical traditions or the appropriation of extra-European thought by the Continental tradition. It is also keen to receive papers that examine approaches from other global philosophical traditions to topics or themes of typical concern to Continental philosophy. 

The IPJP will consider submissions from scholars situated all over the globe, but give preference to papers that originate in the Southern Hemisphere or which address theorising in the Continental Philosophy tradition as is practised and developed in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Journal publishes research articles and short communications. Longer review papers will be considered only if they make an original conceptual or theoretical contribution to the field. Commentaries and invited book reviews are also published. 



Dr Gregory Swer
Department of Social Sciences
Walter Sisulu University
South Africa


Please direct general queries to the journal's Editorial Office:

Editorial Board

David Bogopa - Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Bruce Bradfield - Clinical Psychologist, Cape Town, South Africa
Roger Brooke - Department of Psychology, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
André de Koning - Jungian Psychoanalyst, Perth, Australia
Stuart Devenish - School of Ministry, Theology and Culture, Tabor College, Adelaide, Australia
Louise du Toit - Department of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Steve Edwards -  Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Zululand, South Africa
Linda Finlay - Integrative Psychotherapist and Academic Consultant, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Kathleen Galvin - School of Health Sciences, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Assie Gildenhuys - Department of Psychology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Philip Greenway - Counselling and Clinical Psychologist, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Steen Halling - Department of Psychology, Seattle University, USA
Tom Martin - Department of Philosophy, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa
Rosie McLaren - Psychoanalytically orientated Psychotherapist, Perth, Australia
Chris Milton - Jungian Analyst, Auckland, New Zealand
Thomas Nenon - University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Ian Owen - Principal Integrative Psychotherapist, NHS Foundation, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Kalpana Ram - Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Brent Dean Robbins - Department of Psychology, Point Park University, Pittsburgh, USA
Dyann Ross - University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Robert Schweitzer - Department of Psychology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Alon Segev - Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA
Trish Sherwood - Psychotherapist and Educational Consultant, Brunswick, Australia
Cheung On Tam - Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ron Valle - Awakening - A Center for Exploring Living and Dying, Brentwood, USA
Patrick Whitehead - Department of Psychology, Albany State University, Albany, USA
Peter Willis - School of Education, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Editorial Advisory Board

Sally Borbasi - Honorary Professor, The Australian Catholic University and Flinders University, Australia
Karin Dahlberg - School of Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
Amedeo Giorgi - Graduate College of Psychology and Humanistic Studies, Saybrook University, San Francisco, USA
Manton Hirst - Anthropologist (retired), King William's Town, South Africa
Paul MacDonald - Department of Philosophy, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
Christopher R. Stones - Former IPJP editor and Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa 
Les Todres - Institute of Health and Community Studies, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Hennie van der Mescht - Professor Emeritus of Education, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa
Max van Manen - Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Rex van Vuuren - Professor Emeritus of Psychology, St Augustine College, South Africa

Publishing Manager

Dr Kelly-Anne Frith

NISC (Pty) Ltd
4 Speke Street Makhanda

Tel: +27 (0)46 622 9698
Fax: +27 (0)46 622 9550

Latest Issue

Volume 24, Issue 1, 2024

Research Article

Children’s voices through teachers’ stories
Author(s): Elisabetta Musi Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy , Margareth Eilifsen Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway


Instructions for Authors

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Author FAQ


Instructions for Authors


The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology (IPJP) is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal that provides a forum for the publication of research from the Continental Philosophy tradition and which showcases the perspectives of Southern Hemisphere scholars of phenomenology. Whilst phenomenology remains a central concern of this journal, we also welcome contributions from related areas of the Continental Philosophy tradition, such as existentialism, hermeneutics, feminism, structuralism, post-structuralism, critical theory, deconstruction and psychoanalytic theory. IPJP will publish research articles of 5 000 to 7 500 words and short communications of 2 000 words. Longer review papers will be considered only if they make an original conceptual or theoretical contribution to the field. Commentaries and invited book reviews are also published.

Editorial policy: Submission of a manuscript implies that the material has not previously been published, nor is it being submitted elsewhere for publication. Contributions are accepted with the understanding that the authors have the authority for publication. Contributions must conform to the principles outlined in Ethical Considerations in Research Publication available below, that deal with authorship, conflicts of interest, originality and protocols for research that involves human and animal subjects. The journal adheres strictly to a double anonymized review process. Papers submitted to IPJP will be reviewed by two appropriately qualified and experienced referees to ensure that all articles accepted for publication are methodologically and conceptually sound and make an original contribution to the field. The final decision to accept a manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief. Queries regarding manuscripts can be addressed to the Editorial Office at

Submission: Manuscript submissions should be made online at the Taylor & Francis Submissions Portal. New users should first create an account. Manuscripts must adhere to the format criteria described below, and papers failing to do so will be returned to authors to be corrected before being reviewed. Authors can make use of a language editing service to ensure that the presentation of their work is of an appropriate standard for submission (see Journal’s Instructions to Authors webpage* for details of suitable editing services).

Manuscript presentation: Submitted manuscripts should contain the following sections, each prepared as separate files:

Title page: The title (max. 20 words) should be a concise description of the article content. Author names must appear only on the title page. This page should also include each author’s name, each author’s institutional affiliation, the e-mail address of the designated corresponding author, and any acknowledgements, including funders.

Abstract: This should include the title of the paper and an abstract. The abstract is a concise statement of the scope of the work, the principal findings and the conclusions and should not exceed 250 words. It should not contain references. Below the abstract, up to eight additional keywords or phrases (which are not already given in the title) should be listed in alphabetical order. Short communications also require brief abstracts (max. 150 words).

Main text: Given the diverse range of papers that might be published in IPJP, we do not prescribe a standard structure for papers.

Format – Manuscripts should be prepared in MSWord. The headings and text should be presented in 12-point Arial or Calibri font. The text should use 1.5 line spacing, with no extra line spacing, and should not include text columns, creative formatting or additional fonts. Headings should be sentence case and never numbered. There should be no more than three heading levels: (1) bold, (2) bold italics, (3) italics. Endnotes, not footnotes, may be used sparingly. Tables and figures (graphs, photographs or scanned images) should not be embedded in the text but clustered at the end of the manuscript or prepared as separate files.

Editorial style – Manuscripts should be written in clear English (UK spelling). Consult the Oxford English Dictionary for spelling, capitalisation, hyphenation and abbreviation conventions. Consult a copy of the journal for general style conventions. Double quotation marks and regular font should be used to designate material quoted directly from other texts. Direct speech should be italicised. Use single quotation marks to signify a quote embedded within another quotation. The period (.) must be used as the decimal indicator, and ‘thousands’ should be designated by a space rather than a comma (Example: 1 500 000). Conventions on presenting mathematical and statistical data are outlined in Guidelines for the presentation of mathematical and statistical data and available below.

Referencing – Use APA (7th Edition) author–date style of the American Psychological Association (see Multiple citations in the text must be separated by semicolons and cited chronologically in the form (Habib, 1998, 2005; Bwanika & Davis, 2000; Ministry of Health, 2011). If previously published work is quoted directly, the citation must include the author, year of publication, and page number as in (Ajulu, 1999, p. 63). If more than five authors are cited in a reference, use only the name of the first author followed by ‘et al’. The reference list should be in alphabetical order by first author, and include all the authors of a given reference (do not use ‘et al.’ in the list); likewise, use full journal titles. URLs may be cited only for references that are not available in print (such as a webpage) or ones that link to hard-to-find sources, and these URLs must be up-to-date at the time of submission. Include DOIs for articles where possible. Example reference list:

Cooper, D. E. (1996). Modern mythology: The case of “reactionary modernism”. History of the Human Sciences, 9(2), 25–37. https://doi. org/10.1177/095269519600900202

Human Rights Campaign Foundation. (2018). LGBTQ youth report. Retrieved from

Lugones, M. (2003). Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes: Theorizing coalition against multiple oppressions. Rowman & Littlefield.

Marecek, J., Crawford, M., & Popp, D. (2004). On the construction of gender, sex, and sexualities. In A. H. Eagly, A. E. Beall, & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), The psychology of gender (2nd ed., pp. 192–216). Guilford Press.

Rouse, J. (2005). Heidegger on science and naturalism. In G. Gutting (Ed.), Continental philosophy of science (pp. 123–141). Blackwell Publishing.

Tables and Figures – Tables and figures should contain only information directly relevant to the content of the paper. Each table and figure must include a full, stand-alone caption, and each must be sequentially mentioned in the text. Highly stylised formatting should be avoided. Tables may use thin, horizontal lines but should not include cells with shading. Authors must ensure that their figures conform to the style of the journal. Pay particular attention to line thickness, font and figure proportions, taking into account the Journal’s printed page size. Costs of redrawing figures may be charged. Please refer to Figure Guidelines for Authors: format, style and technical considerations available below. For digital photographs or scanned images the resolution should be at least 300 dpi for colour or greyscale artwork and a minimum of 600 dpi for black line drawings. These can be saved (in order of preference) in PSD, PDF, EPS or JPEG format. Graphs, charts or maps can be saved in AI, PDF or EPS format. MS Office files (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) are also acceptable but DO NOT EMBED Excel graphs or Powerpoint slides in a MS Word document, rather send the original Excel or Powerpoint files. More detailed technical information is given in Figure Guidelines for Authors.

Open Access: All articles in IPJP are available online under an Open Access publishing agreement (CC BY 4.0) that allows anyone to read, cite and use your published work. Further details on Open Access publishing at NISC are available from

Article processing charges: Publication in IPJP incurs an article processing charge (APC) that is levied by the publisher once a manuscript has been accepted for publication by the editor-in-chief. The APC is $800 (+ VAT where applicable). Authors not in receipt of funding to cover their APCs may apply for a waiver, see for conditions and procedure. No APC is levied for publication of commentaries, book reviews or editorials.

Electronic reprints: Authors (and co-authors) will be emailed a link to download and share an electronic reprint (eprint) of their article as soon as it is published.



Figure Guidelines for Authors

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Figure FAQs

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