Men across time: Contesting masculinities in Ghanaian fiction and film | National Inquiry Services Centre

Men across time

Men across time: Contesting masculinities in Ghanaian fiction and film

Contesting masculinities in Ghanaian fiction and film

By Theresah Patrine Ennin
Size: 170x 240 mm
Pages: 150 pages
ISBN 13: 978-1-920033-92-7
Published: July 2022
Publishers: NISC (Pty) Ltd
Recommended Retail Price: R 325.00
Cover: Paperback

About the book

Men across time: Contesting masculinities in Ghanaian fiction and film examines the various constructions and manifestations of masculinities from precolonial, colonial, independent and post-independent Ghana as portrayed in selected Ghanaian fiction, film and music videos. Two main questions are engaged here: 

  • What predominant masculine images are present in Ghanaian texts?
  • In what ways has the passage of time affected the subversion of dominant masculine images, contested hegemony and created room for the presence of alternative masculinities? 

This book submits that in questioning the various masculine modes of behaviours portrayed in these texts, and negotiating their own masculine identities, the male characters showcase the mutations that are taking place within masculine representations over time and aver that other models of masculine expression are possible.

Reviewer’s Comments

This study’s engagement with the theory of hegemonic masculinity represents an important contribution to the discourse in gender studies in Ghana and Africa. In addition, it is well researched and presents a cutting-edge analysis of masculinity across genres. I cannot think of any other study in Ghanaian literary and cultural studies that provides such a broad historical background context and the book is certainly original in its approach.
Professor Mansah Prah, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

The book’s major strength is in adding significantly to an area of study that is currently under theorised. This has the potential to make a robust and important contribution to the field of knowledge on representation of masculinities in African and specifically Ghanaian popular culture.
Associate Professor Nicky Falkof, Media Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Part of the African Humanities Series


About the Authors

Theresah Patrine Ennin is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, College of Humanities and Legal Studies at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, where she teaches and engages in research on African literature, literary theory, masculinities, and literary and artistic constructions of gender and sex. She obtained her PhD in African Languages and Literature in 2013, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA where she was a Fulbright Scholar. Currently, she is a member of the African Literature Association, the African Studies Association and the Modern Languages Association. Her academic awards include an ASA Presidential Fellows Award and an ACLS/African Humanities Program Fellowship. She has been a guest speaker at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa, the University of South Africa and Iowa State University in the USA, and has published articles in numerous journals, including West Africa Review, Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, Research in African Literatures and African Studies Quarterly.


Chapter 1: A place to begin
Chapter 2: Reflections of traditional masculinities
Chapter 3: The colonial impact and emerging masculinities
Chapter 4: Independence and the reinvention of self
Chapter 5 Performing man: Trending images of masculinity
Chapter 6: By way of closing
Appendix: Timeline of authors’ dates of birth 


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