Treatment Action Campaign in Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Posted 29 November 2023 by NISC under Announcements & Notices • Journal: African Journal of AIDS Research
Treatment Action Campaign in Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Led by Zackie Achmat, The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) emerged as a protest campaign against the lack of access to treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa in 1998.

In the 2000s, TAC evolved into one of the most successful social movements in post-apartheid South Africa and won significant gains for people living with HIV, including a commitment by the South African government to provide anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in the public sector.  

A paper published in African Journal of AIDS Research by Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Ngwi N.T. Mulu titled: Practices of health citizenship in South Africa: a case study of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, examines TAC’s evolution and attrition as a social movement organization to discern its implications for practices of health citizenship at the grassroots level. 

This paper argues that despite the significance of the strategies employed by the TAC-led South African AIDS movement in shaping HIV/AIDS policy in South Africa, the TAC is now, more than two decades later, in a stage of decline. 

Its demise has negatively affected health citizenship practices embedded at the grassroots level.  This is important because grassroots activist organisations such as the TAC have a long history of holding the state accountable for delivering public healthcare services and promoting health-seeking behaviour in vulnerable communities in South Africa. 

The paper is organized in discussion of:

1) Definition of health citizenship as used in this context; 2) Discussion about the life cycle of social movements to understand the evolution of the TAC over the past two decades; 3) Description of the research methodology, data collection tools, as well as ethical considerations used in this study; and 4) Presentation and discussion of the findings on practices of health citizenship in TAC-led AIDS activism in Khayelitsha between 2008 and 2016.  

This paper is available to read at no cost until the end of February 2024 here. 


Perhaps the most important change, in terms of bringing the Journal to a wider audience, has been its publishing in collaboration with the NISC (Pty) Ltd.
- Stan Pillar, Editor of the African Journal of Marine Science (1996-2013)
The paper was wonderfully laid out and rapidly published
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A very supportive, personal and committed editorial team, which takes quality of the work very seriously. I learned a lot through the experience of publishing with Anthropology Southern Africa, and felt supported throughout the process.
- Author - Anthropology Southern Africa